Human body needs adequate amount of nutrients in order to function properly. As people have become health conscious, they adopt number of diets to stay healthy. On the other hand, obesity has become issue of concern across the globe. To get rid of obesity people are giving preference for fitness training. Young men and women giving first priority for fad diet due to its popularity. Diets that assure you excessive or instant miraculous weight loss are said to be fad diets. Sticking to fad diets is difficult in long run. These diets are restrictive as well as they are specially intended for instant weight loss. People have tendency to follow this fad diets only because of their popularity. In reality though these diets give temporary results but at the same time enhance risk of health complications too, since they are unhealthy.


  • In these diets low preference is given to performing of physical activity. This is because people with high blood pressure and diabetes are most likely to suffer from severe complications.
  • This diet particularly focuses one particular group and simply ignores others. From health point of view it is completely unhealthy. Since a healthy diet that includes fats, proteins and carbohydrates is must to stay healthy.
  • Fad diet usually promises you that they help to lose your excess body weight and that too without extra effort. But keep in mind these fad diets provides you temporary results and once you stop incorporating these diets enhances your risk of weight gain. Most of health experts say that nothing is better than adopting well balanced diet and regular exercising to lose extra pounds in long run. People generally ignore healthy ways of losing weight because they takes lots of time and are difficult to manage also. Remember you can lose excess weight once you turn to fad diets in promised days but this happens only because that you are consuming restricted diet. People, who desire to lose weight, do not consider this major fact. They are also not aware that the weight they have reduced is nothing but simply water weight. According to studies, people have claimed to gain weight after stopping these diets.
  • Such diets may prove beneficial, if you get shift to healthy balanced diet immediately after noticing initial weight loss with help of fad diets.
  • Since most of fad diets makes you to consume pre-arranged amount of food and on a planned schedule, which in turn finish up interfering natural metabolism. Your body is filled with enough natural ability to inform you when to eat and when to stop. Acting against of this natural power badly affects metabolism and side effects of it continue for long period after the diet.
  • Incorporating such a diet enhances risk of low blood pressure, kidney disease, dehydration, diarrhea, malnutrition, fatigue and insomnia.
  • Lack of nutrients present in fad diets give rise to health ailments like muscle loss and hair loss. Your hair needs abundant source of protein in order to grow faster. If you are not able to acquire sufficient amount of protein from your daily regimen, then risk of hair loss raises considerably. Poor hair health contributes to brittleness which further increases risk of breakage and shedding hair. Muscle loss is another unpleasant possible side effect of incorporating fad diets. As diet is low in calories body searches other ways to obtain energy. Digesting muscles is considered to be one of the effective ways of these. This is major obstacle in weight loss because muscles aids in burning more calories even if you are taking rest.
  • Such diets are not possible to follow in long run, even though they promise that they are easy to follow. As these diets are just incorporated to lose extra pounds, it affects body and people experience weight gain after short span of time, once stopped following this diet.
  • Since most of fad diets contains low fats and low carbohydrates, does not keeps you full. This diet makes you to consume shakes or meals replace bars instead of having meals and frequently leave you unfulfilled. This is the leading reason that you cannot follow such diets in long run.
  • Highly obese or overweight people should stay away from adopting starvation techniques just for losing immense amount of weight in short span of time. The body takes lots of time to get adjust with certain diets. As a result, instead of reducing its usual calorie consumption, it makes condition worse.
  • Fad diets restrict you from consuming certain types of food. Besides that, it also puts limits on your intake of carbohydrates and other types of fats in your diet. This further enhances chances of severe nutritional deficiency. Carbohydrates play a key role in providing you great source of energy. Hence, complete absence of this essential nutrient in diet makes you to suffer from fatigue. Apart from that, normal functioning of body also gets disturbed. Good fats like omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential for maintaining healthy health.

Incorporating a well balanced diet, taking sufficient sleep, developing good eating habits and exercising regularly can work wonderfully in obtaining long lasting healthy body weight. Most often, the diet that specially intended to lose weight person fails to receive sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins and proteins. On the other hand, incorporating healthy diet not only keeps weight in check but also provides the body appropriate amount of calories and nutrition that is necessary to maintain healthy body weight. Keep in mind; following fad diets for long time contributes to potential health hazards. As a result, for safe, effective and long term weight loss it would better if you receive right amount of calories from balanced diet. But the diet should contain vegetables, fat-free dairy products, whole grains and fresh fruits in moderate amount. Along with healthy diet, one should exclude junk foods and should be physically active all times.

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