Signs and Symptoms of Various Liver Issues

The liver is responsible for performing many vital functions and making sure that the body works normally. Some of the main functions of the liver include metabolism of cholesterol, recycling of red blood cells, and removal of toxins from the body. Although the liver is capable of continuing its normal functions by repairing itself, years of hard work inserts too much pressure on it and causes damage that is beyond repair. Improper functioning of the liver gives rise to some serious health problems. It is important that you recognize the symptoms of liver disease early enough and treat them in a proper way.

There are a lot of factors that can lead to the development of liver problems. Some liver issues are only temporary and easy to treat, whereas most of them are serious and require a longer time to be cured. Some of the most common causes of liver problems include alcoholic hepatitis, acute liver failure, bile duct obstruction, autoimmune hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, chronic liver failure, enlarged liver, hemochromatosis, Gilbert’s syndrome, liver cancer, liver adenoma, liver cysts, liver hemangioma, hepatitis A, B, or C, toxic hepatitis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Wilson’s disease, Budd-Chiari syndrome, and parasitic infection.

Common Symptoms of Liver Problems

Liver problems have a number of signs and symptoms. One of the main problems in recognizing the symptoms is that they are usually unrelated to the liver problem. For example, acne is one unrelated symptom. Acne is usually associated with skin and hormonal condition. Not many people know that it can also be a sign of a problem with the liver. An unhealthy liver fails to properly flush the toxins out of the body, which in turn causes acne outbreaks in various parts of the body. Psoriasis is another such problem that often occurs due to liver problems.

Pale or yellow skin is one of the most common symptoms of liver problems. Yellowing of the skin, nails, and the white part of eyes indicate the existence of jaundice. Bile production is one of the functions of the liver, and any problem with this organ makes it incapable of properly clearing the old venous blood. This is a sign of problems with the production of bile. When this happens, a person becomes more likely to develop jaundice and flu-like symptoms. Other skin related symptoms of liver problems include itchy skin, skin rash, and brown spots on the face.

Passing dark-colored urine is a prominent symptom of many liver problems. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and stools light in color also signal liver problems. Both these symptoms indicate that the liver is failing to produce sufficient bile or there is a bile duct obstruction. Nausea and vomiting are also common indicators of liver damage.

Liver problems can also cause pain around the upper part of the stomach. Sudden and intense liver pain can be an indication of an acute liver problem. Some chronic conditions cause dull pain that gradually increases.

Some people experience symptoms that are related to the nervous system. These include mood changes, depression, irritability, lack of concentration, frequent headaches, and feeling too angry.

Since most of the above mentioned symptoms are unrelated to the organ and difficult to notice, it is necessary to get medical help as soon as possible, even if you have slightest of doubts. Having a healthy liver is the key to live a disease-free life.

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