Achieving six pack abs, is not an easy task, you have to be dedicated and determined to achieve them. Do not take lightly and consider it as a simple child’s play. You have to be very particular about all your eating  and dietary habits to lose excess weight accumulated near waist area. Every individual is known to have hidden six pack abs under the layers of fat. Lack of physical activity, overeating and wrong food choices are major obstacles that gives an open invitation to a most unpleasant condition called obesity. In fact, these unhealthy dietary habits become obstacles in the way of accomplishing the goal of six pack abs also.

  • Give preference to good carbs:-

The complete absence of carbs in diet is just like evil. Some carbs in diet are necessary, therefore try maximum to eat good carbs. Omit white carbs from your regimen and eat maximum whole grains high in fiber as they are easily digested. Brown rice, whole wheat, oats and quinoa are the best example of fiber and good carbs containing foods.

  • Breakfast is vital:-

A six pack diet is just incomplete without including a healthy breakfast. Breakfast is must, as it gives proper fuel for your body to perform daily task, so pay attention that it never should be skipped. Make sure that breakfast consists of protein rich eggs, fiber rich cereals, fresh fruits and milk.

  • Say no to all processed foods:-

Consumption of fast food and preservatives is responsible for making body deficient in nutrients. All kinds of processed food are the biggest enemy of trim waistline. Being laden with unhealthy fats, tons of sugar, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and artificial colors give rise to the development of a number of life threatening health disorders. In order to accomplish the goal of six pack, exclude fried food, fast food, alcohol, red meat and caffeine completely from your daily regimen.

  • Drink lots of water:-

Several research has proved that nothing is better than drinking plenty of water to lose extra weight for the long term. Water is proven extremely beneficial in process of digestion of food as well. Besides that, it also helps in expelling harmful toxins and wastes from body. Avoid fizzy, aerated and packaged fruit beverages completely as they hold extra calories.

  • Go for healthy fats:-

Healthy fats abundantly present in fish oils, olive oils, nuts, avocado and natural peanut butter. The best part is, consumption of healthy fats keeps you satiated for longer period of time. Even healthy fats also help you to maintain your insulin level stable. If the insulin level gets too high, contribute to fat retention. Almond, flax seeds and nuts should also be included in the diet as they hold an excellent source of healthy fats called omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Eat right:-

Give priority to consuming maximum vegetables, especially those rich in fiber. Apples, blackberries, oranges, prunes, raspberries, beans, carrots, broccoli, turnip greens, sweet corns, pears, and cauliflower are packed with fiber. Instead of avoiding carbohydrate completely from the diet, incorporate low carbohydrate diet. Carbohydrates are vital for proper functioning of the brain and body. Besides that, it is known to be an excellent source of energy. Consumption of complex carbohydrates is better solution rather than following no-carb diet. Complex carbs are abundantly found in foods like sweet potatoes, legumes and green leafy vegetables. Complex carbs have proven useful for the proper functioning of brain, nervous system and digestion as well.

  • Munch on protein rich diet:-

Including maximum protein at breakfast may prove helpful as they help you to satiated whole day. Besides, naturally  your temptation to eat fast food or other foods gets reduces. Protein rich breakfast is enough capable to keep control over hormone and brain signals that promote appetite. To achieve six pack abs, there is no compulsion to count calories. But, it is necessary to obtain control over the fat on top of your abs. In order to keep calorie and fat level in control, go for Greek yogurt, Canadian bacon and egg whites.

  • Do not stay hungry:-

Keep in mind, to get six pack abs in short span never stay hungry. If you stay hungry, then the chances are high that you may tempt to eat more of fast food, which in turn again becomes an obstacle. So, to avoid all these risk, it would better if you eat healthy food in moderate amount, instead of staying hungry. Remember, staying hungry is not a way of achieving six pack abs. Remember, your metabolism will always remain high, if you have never stayed hungry. So, determined that you will take every standard meal and three snacks in a day. Having six meals, means you are not in the category of overeating, actually it is a necessity of six pack diet. Just, make sure that, the diet you are following is filled with full of fiber, nutrition and protein. At  the same time, make sure whatever you are consuming is in moderate amount. Since excess consumption of any food may show adverse effect on your health.

  • Take small meals:-

Since long time, most of people have the habit of taking three large meals in a day. But, those men who desire to have a flat stomach abs  should give preference to 5-6 small meals. Eating regularly indicates that you are less likely to suffer from hunger pangs. If you keep your stomach hungry for long hours, then your chances of eating more in next meal increases. This in turn, gives rise to issues of excess calorie consumption. So, to obviate same problem, eat small meals and include a variety of foods that fulfilled the body with a number of healthy, required nutrients.

Cardiac and abdominal exercise like crunches, leg lifts and sit-ups is necessary along with a healthy diet. Without cardiovascular and abdominal exercises obtaining goal of six pack abs is impossible. If you stick to this routine in long run, within a few months only,  you will surely notice well cut abs.

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