The feeling of anxiety carries huge emotional and physical stress among people. Anxiety disorder is nothing but normal human emotion which every individual experiences at a certain point in their life. There are numerous kinds of anxiety disorders such as social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobias and panic disorder. Various phases in life where people usually feel anxious or nervous  like talking in front of the huge crowd, preparing for school or college examination, problems at work and even before making any important decision. However, anxiety is totally different as it induces such distress that interrupts with the person’s capability to lead a normal life. It comes under the category of one kind of severe mental illness.

In today’s modern world of machine life has become hectic because of immense competition, long working hours and extreme stress. In fact, people waste their time on thinking such stuff which may or may not affect in their day-today task. Hence this state of condition results in most dangerous problem called anxiety. According to studies, around 19 million people in US are affected with this disease. It has been noticed that women are at higher risk than men to suffer from this mental health disorder.


The Signs or symptoms of anxiety among each person are distinctive. As each individual is distinct than the other, so the intensity forms of symptoms varies depending on person to person. Below listed are some of the warning signs which may help identify this mental disorder at earliest.

  • Person generally loses control while struggling with low self-esteem.
  • May find difficulty while dealing with pressure and sometimes feel nervous in social state of affairs.
  • May go through huge on-going worry and tension
  • Lack of concentration
  • Some person may observe an upset stomach or nausea
  • Raised blood pressure and slow palpitation with steep increase in heartbeats


Medication and therapy are believed to be two leading option of managing anxiety. Another option to deal with anxiety is either treat symptoms or deal with the fundamental cause which is responsible behind occurrence of anxiety disorder. Several studies have disclosed that around 65 percent people from North America take prescribed medicines every day; on the other hand, about 43 percent people prefer mood altering prescriptions daily. There is no worry to think too much over an anxiety disorder as it can easily curable. It would be better if you cure it through therapy and gaining knowledge instead of with the help of medication. Treating anxiety disorder with use of medication ensures short-term relief.

  • Through counseling and Therapy:-

The best solution to overcome anxiety of individual through therapy sessions and counseling conducted by experienced professionals. This type of method involves rationalizing or understanding the person’s anxiety associated problems and challenges. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is extensively utilized and it plays a crucial role in determining what individual feel and what he/she want to do. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) assists a person in order to recognize behavioral patterns and unrealistic beliefs. CBT method pays attention over problems that are confront in present and not in past. In addition, this therapy also assists you to determine the situation that leads to anxiety and teaches you how to respond positively to those situations.

  • Don’t think negatively and build self-esteem:-

Stop worrying about those things which are not in your control, as like weather and someone’s reaction or opinion. Give first priority to recognizing a problem or situation and then find the underlying cause and finally react on it accordingly. In some cases you may also come to know that it is not that problem and mind has needlessly developed anxiety. One best way to keep mind in good condition is to concentrate on thoughts which are good, beautiful and positive. Try your level best to dream, imagine and wish the best which is going to happen. Self-improvement is one effective solution to enhance the level of your self-esteem. Raise your self-esteem by way of recognizing the strength and weaknesses. Try to accept the truth and be strong enough to confront the difficulties in life. If possible, try to maintain strength and improve weaknesses.

  • Drugs:-

Medications are recommended in order to treat anxiety related symptoms like, restlessness or muscle stress. These medicines are commonly known by tranquilizers. Zoloft and Paxil are said to be most famous anti-anxiety drugs in the US. These medicines take lots of time to show the desire result, but are proven extremely beneficial for long-term treatment. Keep in mind take the medicine only when prescribed by your healthcare provider and in the correct amount to stay from risk of side effects.

  • Give time for personal hobbies and other special interest:-

Spending some time over hobbies and special interest is one effective way to cope with anxiety. Different hobbies like painting, making greeting cards, sculpture, playing fun games and listening music are some useful relaxation techniques which plays a dominant role to overcome anxiety. The great thing is that these techniques are also recommended by several medical practitioners to get rid of anxiety. If possible, sometimes you can even go out to see a movie or to have dinner in a good hotel to get relief from the boring routine of everyday’s life.

  • Exercise:-

Meditation or deep breathing helps significant to beat stress and to raise oxygen level in body. In fact, by beating stress, it keeps the body and mind relaxes. After practicing these two forms of exercises you will notice improvement in your body and mind within few months only. These two exercises are especially recommended for people with anxiety to lower the frequency and duration of anxiety attack. Even 30 minutes of exercise works wonderfully among people suffering from anxiety attacks.

Anxiety in moderation is fine but constant occurrence anxiety is definitely issue of concern. But with help of above mentioned treatment you can definitely obtain control over anxiety attack and may reduce symptoms.

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