Super Foods that Promote Proper Weight Loss

Eating certain kinds of foods can actually help you to burn more calories and speed up weight loss. The super foods explained in this article will not only help in weight loss, but are also perfect for improving the digestive health, controlling blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, and maintaining good overall health.


Fish like salmon, sardines, herring, sablefish, anchovies, trout, tuna, and mackerel are all very high in omega-3 fatty acids that can play an important part in helping to control weight gain. Since these fish also contain high amounts of monounsaturated fats, having just about two to three servings every week lowers the cholesterol too. These healthy fats also help to reduce the risk of arthritis, memory loss, and heart disease.


Fruits like blueberries, grapefruits, apples, pears, cranberries, peaches, kiwifruits, plums, oranges, prunes, and cherries conation phytonutrient, which are known to fight obesity. Not only are fruits high in fiber and easily digestible, but they are also rich in antioxidants. Adding just about half a grapefruit to your daily breakfast can help to keep your metabolism going throughout the day. Fruits like goji berries, acai berry, noni, and mangosteen are particularly beneficial for weight loss and overall health. Coconuts and avocados are also good for people looking to lose weight.


Vegetables like kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, collard, pumpkin, turnip, beet, chard, mustard, etc. provide your body with all the essential nutrients. Even broccoli, eggplant, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, blue-green algae, and cabbage contain high amounts of antioxidants. Herbs like mint, basil, parsley, rosemary, oregano, and thyme are good for controlling weight and maintaining good health.

Low Fat Dairy Products

Low fat yogurt and other low fat dairy products can provide you with essential nutrients without hindering your weight loss efforts. Nutraceutical present in low fat dairy products fights obesity and helps to control weight gain.

Hot and Spicy Foods

Hot and spicy foods like cayenne, chili peppers, and chili powder are very powerful calorie burners. These foods also contain fiber, anti-inflammatory antioxidants, and phytonutrients that control obesity. However, don’t consume too much of these foods as they are usually very oily and can hinder your weight loss process.

Nuts and Seeds

In spite of being high in calories, nuts and seeds make for a good snack as they contain anti-inflammatory fats. Flaxseed, sesame seeds, cashew nuts, walnuts, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds are all health snack foods. You should snack on these foods instead of chips and junk foods. The health benefits of flaxseed are not restricted to weight loss.

Beans and Whole Grains

A weight loss diet should include kidney beans, black beans, navy beans, pinto beans, chickpeas, Bengal gram, hummus, and quinoa. Buckwheat, oats, and barley are also good for weight loss. Legumes contain high quantity of fiber, which promotes weight loss by increasing metabolism. Whole grains give your body more time to eliminate fats by making you feel full quicker.

There are many other fruits and drinks too that should be included in a weight loss diet plan. These include almonds, sunflower seeds, raw sauerkraut, apple cider vinegar, eggs, ginger, garlic, green tea, and water. Making the above mentioned foods a part of your daily diet plan and developing a habit of performing thirty minutes exercise regularly will certainly help you to achieve healthy weight loss.

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