Surprising Health Benefits of Indian Spices

Indian cuisine is characterized due to the use of a variety of spices and herbs. People often refer Indian food as “spicy”. Well, this does not means that Indian food is hot, but it’s more flavorful. There are numerous Indian spices and there are numerous benefits of them that give us good health. These popular Indian spices add taste, color and variety to Indian cuisine.

Many merchant from England came to India to explore the infinite benefits of Indian Spices. Even the scientist are dripping into the kitchen to discover various pleasant surprises of health benefits of some of the most commonly use Indian spices that greatly contribute is good taste an great health benefits.

Here are some of the amazing Indian spices along with no. of their health benefits;

Cinnamon (dalchini)

  • Studies have shown that it is good for heart, it lower LDL cholesterol.
  • It is recommended to have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, for people suffering from type-2 diabetes.
  • Studies have even shown that it also reduces the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
  • It gives you relief from arthritis pain and could also help you walk without any pain.

Heeng (asafoetida)

  • It is an excellent remedy for respiratory disorders like whooping cough, bronchitis and asthma.
  • It is also a useful spice concerning women’s health related to sterility, unusually painful, pre-mature labor, unwanted abortion, excessive menstruation, etc.
  • It is also an excellent solution to treat impotency, as it excites the secretion of progesterone hormone.
  • It is also the best remedy for flatulence.


  • Cloves contain antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic, etc. properties.
  • It is also a natural anesthetic that heals tooth ache.
  • It is a recommended treatment for acne patients to use clove oil.
  • It relieves flatulence and improves digestion and promotes metabolism rate.
  • It is an excellent solution of vomiting and diarrhea.
  • It contains a compound called eugenol which prevents blood clots.


  • It is essential to improve your appetite and digestive system.
  • It can be also helpful to treat kidney, bladder and liver disorder, it also improve the circulation to digestive organs.
  • It is also popular to reduce the level of blood cholesterol and triglycerides among heart patients.
  • It’s an amazing cosmetic ingredient for enhancing and lightening of skin tone.
  • During pregnancy saffron is recommended as the best herb that possesses the property of rising your body temperature.

Turmeric Haldi:

  • It prevents Alzheimer’s and joint inflammation.
  • Minimizes the risk of liver damage and can be used as a pain-killer.
  • It relieves inflammation wounds and treats arthritis and reduces bad cholesterol level.

Cardamom (Elaichi)

  • It improves your digestive system and reduces flatulence.

Black pepper

  • It greatly improves you digestions the moment it reaches your stomach.
  • It provides solution for natural embarrassing problem of intestinal gas trouble.
  • It is also an excellent antioxidant that prevents and curtails oxidative stress.
  • It prevents from bacterial growth and intestinal tract.


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