Swine flu is one of the latest diseases, which spread through the pig. It is a respiratory illness, which initiate through pig by infecting its respiratory system. The swine flu virus is contagious; it may attack any human being. The first cases of swine were found in Mexico. The virus of the swine flu is named as H1N1 virus. However, the symptoms of the swine flu go same in pig and human beings.

The virus of swine flu last for at least two weeks, in the pig. Some of the pigs get die due to swine flu. It initially attacks the stockmen or pig shepherd, or people who are close, to the pig; further, their contact with another person goes transmittable; this is how the link goes, person to person. The swine flu viruses can be seen throughout the countries. A fostered person of a pig is more likely, to get swine flu. People; usually get sick, when they get hit by the swine flu (an influenza virus), but sometimes in severe cases people die.

However, influenza (A) virus is the main causes of swine flu, but it is divided into two different viruses called hem agglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). The viruses of swine flu and influenza, keeps on altering persistently. The pig may get hit by influenza, human influenza, and swine flu viruses. Recently cases of the swine flu have come up with a big chaos, for the people. However, the treatment acts well, to solve the problem.

Indication or symptoms of swine flu

The symptoms of swine flu are much related, to the influenza viruses. It is a common disorder, which human health suffers. The symptoms are quite seasonal, which a human being suffers usually and sometimes ignored. This ignorance further brings a severe case of swine flu.

  • Headache, fluctuation in fever (high and low)
  • Oozing of nasal, cough, and body pain
  • Fatigue, sore throat, difficulty in breathing,
  • Appetite reduction and muscle pain.
  • Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Breaks down the immune system
  • Respiratory disorders
  • pneumonia in severe cases of swine flue

Extreme swine flu indication

  • continues vomiting
  • hasty breathing or shortage of breathing
  • changes of skin color into blue or grey
  • lack of fluid intake
  • Feeling, weak, irritate, and inactive to perform daily activity.
  • Extreme fatigue

People who are at higher risk of swine flu attack

  • pregnant women
  • small children
  • continuous sufferer of cardiovascular defaults
  •  constant sufferer of lung disorders
  • Continues sufferer of kidney disorder
  • Severe asthma patient may also get an attack of swine flu
  • Diabetes sufferers may get an attack of swine flu


Prevention steps of swine flu

Since swine flu is a contagious disease; people need to be very cautious about their health. Precautions and protection from any disease are the best source, to prevent the health from getting ill. Swine flu is a viral disease, which could spread through, person to person. People who got the virus of swine flu should avoid meeting, speaking with anyone. It is advisable to stay away from family, friends, and small children.

Do not move out from the house unnecessarily; in urgent case wear a mask, which should cover your mouth and nose. However, sneezing, coughing, speaking are the key sources, to spread the swine flu from one person to another. Hence, covering mouth and nose, avoiding contact with the people, covering mouth during coughing or sneezing would be appreciable, to trim down the expansion, of influenza A virus. It has been inspected that people suffering from swine flu should stay at home and rest; since, this may help to reduce the symptoms, of the influenza A virus, and could help to get well soon. Drink plenty of water, and avoid consuming non-vegetarian stuff during the period.

Avoiding pork consumption, during the swine flu period would be beneficial, to get prevented from its enhancement. Small children, old age people, and weak people are more likely, to get possibility, of swine flu virus. One must keep themselves and their surroundings clean and hygienic. According, to the research swine flu virus, takes around 2 weeks or less than 2 weeks, to get cured, but it should be treated early otherwise the symptoms persist, and could take the life. Hence, its ignorance may enhance the symptoms and creates difficulty, to treat the diseases. However, people can include various tests, to diagnose the symptoms of swine flu. A test may include nasopharyngeal sample to see whether the patient carries the swine flu virus or not.

The test is further categorized into A and B type to notice the virus of swine flu. If, the test showed positive sign of type B, it means there is no infection of swine flu, and if, the test indicates the negative sign of type A, it means a person has got hit by swine flu virus. After, this process people can undergo for further treatment, to cure the swine flu infection.

Treatments to cure the swine flu virus

After, a long research, the investigator had come up with various treatments, to cure swine flu infection. Vaccination, the nasal spray vaccine had been approved, to treat the influenza A virus. This treatment includes small children, moderate age people, and pregnant women.

The vaccine is used, to kill the infectious bacteria. However, the treatment procedure does include some side-effects, thus one should consult the doctor, for better option. Moreover, the vaccine of nasal spray holds live virus, which have been distorted to obstruct its ability, to reproduce human cell. Thus, people with the censored immune system should avoid getting nasal vaccinated sprayed. Consult the doctor for better and optional treatment, to cure the swine flu virus.

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