Herbal teas are filled with vast number of incredible nutrients that carries noteworthy improvement in one’s health. A fast paced lifestyle and attractive advertisements force you to prefer drinks that hold abundant sugar and harmful chemicals. The intake of sugary beverages and soda ultimately affects your health very badly. The best advantage of herbal teas, that they are low in calories. Presence of healthy natural components in these teas assists to speed up the rate of metabolism and encourage the prompt burning of calories.

If you prefer herbal teas instead of sugar and other drink enriched with calories, they you can definitely accomplish your aim of weight loss in a few months. One is said to take these teas 3-4 times a day. This enhances fluid consumption and curbs the craving. Due to this reason the daily calorie consumption decreases. In addition, other weight loss boosting chemicals present in these teas combats the assimilation of fat, encourage the energy level and aid people to stay fit.


  1. Yerba mate:-

It is popular South American beverage, which assist to encourage the metabolic rate of an individual by 10 percent. Yerba mate consist of three xanthenes:caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline. Caffeine is present in rich concentration comparing to other two. Plus, these three elements are highly found in coffee, chocolate and tea. All the elements greatly boost the relaxation of smooth muscle tissue and assist increase heart functioning. The beverage is packed with mineral like manganese, potassium and magnesium. The best thing is it is filled with 24 minerals and vitamins, few antioxidants and 15 amino acids. All the elements play a key role in building the immune system. The tea aid to cuts down the LDL cholesterol and encourages HDL cholesterol. Due to this, consequently the risk of cardiac disease reduces. It also hold very low amount of tannin. It is said that it induces the mind, assist to lower hunger and delays the process of aging. One study has proved that this tea helps a lot to prevent obesity.

  1. Green tea:-

It is very simple to prepare the green tea from the leaves of Camellia sinensis. It come from china and now famous in all parts of the globe. It fails to increase the metabolic rate directly. But the caffeine and polyphenols found in it encourage thermogenesis and speed up fat oxidation. This raises the metabolic rate without enhancing the heart rate. 8 ounces of green tea holds around 25 mg of caffeine. It contains an abundant source of antioxidant called polyphenols, which protects cell from damage. According to research, 6-ounce cup of brewed green tea holds around 235 mg of catechins, which boost weight loss by accelerating the metabolic rate. This happens because tea is not much processed and the natural nutrients remains save during processing. Several researches have disclosed that the element called ECGC present in this tea speedup metabolism and assist to lose weight.

  1. Hibiscus Tea:-

People of Africa, Asia and Caribbean country make maximum use of this tea. This has been utilized as a powerful home remedy for numerous ailments. This red tea is known to have a tart flavor and is slightly same like cranberries. It can be taken in both ways that is either hot or cold. This tea is loaded with minerals, antioxidants, vitamin C and flavonoids. It holds low calorie and caffeine free. It assists to reduce total blood cholesterol, triglycerides and bad cholesterol. This tea is best for diabetics too. It demonstrates diuretic and laxative properties, which assists to overcome large fluids and toxins from the body. This enhances energy level and performance. The antioxidant plays a significant role in improving immune system. The tea controls the production of amylase, an enzyme that aid in the assimilation of carbs and starch. This further leads to reduce assimilation of carbs and reduced weight. Four cups in a day can assists to promote digestion and accelerate the rate of metabolism.

  1. Oolong Tea:-

The tea is generally prepared from buds, leaves and stems of Camellia sinensis plant. It is the same place which produces and green and black tea. The difference is just there in the method of manufacture and this is usual Chinese tea. It is especially fermented and innumerable varieties of the tea are available in the market. It holds an excellent source of caffeine, which encourages metabolic process and energy levels. It also holds theophylline and theobromine, which are same like caffeine. Research indicates that this semi-fermented tea is known to have powerful effect than green tea. It boosts the quick burning of fat. It also aid to cuts down the cholesterol level and amount of fat in the body. Since long period it has been extensively utilized to treat obesity.

  1. Pu-erh tea:-

Pu-erh tea is believed to be post-fermented tea as the processing consists of fermentation as well as aging (long term storage) under extreme dampness. The processing adds magical properties to the tea. The fermentation method contributes to development of lipolytic enzyme that assists to overcome substantial amount of fat. Aging process gives taste to the tea and enhances the possibilities of formation of mold and bacteria. The chlorophyll, polyphenols and other elements encourage the breakdown and digestion of fats. The tea is usually comes in the form of tea bags. Caffeine in this tea induces the central nervous system, heart and muscle. The antioxidants assist to increase the execution of the immune system. The tea hold very few amount of chemical called lovastatin, which is found in the drug suggested for lowering cholesterol. The tea aid to reduce LDL, triglycerides and improves HDL level. Elements such as caffeine, theanine and catechines assist to reduce weight. The tea helps to get over stress and depression too. It triggers the digestive tract and speed ups the metabolic processes.

  1. Bilberry tea:-

Bilberry tea is prepared from bilberry fruits and assists to cut down hunger. It holds rich source of antioxidant and vitamin C. Anthocyanosides, the key constituent in the fruit, assist develop strong blood vessel walls and promote blood circulation. This tea plays a dominant role in getting over fat and other impurities found in the body. Other health advantages gain from its intake consist of healthy vision, steady blood sugar level and lowers threat of atherosclerosis.

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