Heat stroke is a dangerous medical condition and it is also known as sunstroke, thermic fever or siriasis. Usually heat stroke takes place when body’s temperature exceeds the normal level. In fact, it is characterized by abnormal increase in body temperature. Global warming and rising temperature are the most two risk factors associated with heat stroke. This life-threatening disease requires immediate treatment with the objective to overcome this disease. During extreme heat waves people experience feeling of sick and faint, it means people are suffering from heat exhaustion. This is another medical condition again associated with heat stroke and it is basically less serious as compared with heat stroke. Heat stroke is classified into two parts that is classic non-exertional heat stroke (NEHS) and exertional heat stroke (EHS). Classic non-exertional heat stroke commonly occurs among persons who are chronically ill, sedentary elderly individuals, young persons and poor environmental conditions. Besides that, Exertional heat stroke most often occurs in young individuals who are engage in strenuous physical activity for long period of time in extreme hot environment. If both types of heat stroke are left untreated and therapy is delayed can lead to serious cause, as both are related with mortality and high morbidity.


Heat stroke develops certain common symptoms such as high body temperature, lack of sweating, nausea, vomiting, flushed skin, rapid breathing, headache, confusion, muscle cramps, extreme fatigue, and unconsciousness. In addition, patient may also experience neurological symptoms like hallucinations and seizures. The high temperature during hot waves can cause damage to the organs of the body as well. Dehydration is responsible for causing low blood pressure which in turn contributes to circulatory failure. As a result, this life threatening disease should be treated properly and on time before it become serious.


Overexposure to heat or sun and working or exercising in hot conditions is two major primarily risk factors that are associated with heat stroke. Lack of water in the body is another cause responsible for heat stroke. Natural fluid is vital in order to cool you down and for producing sweat, for normal bodily functions and for keeping up blood pressure. Due to excessive exposure to heat, the cooling system gets stopped and cannot function properly. Apart from that, excess intake of alcohol and wearing excess clothes are also responsible for causing heat stroke at some extent.


When this disease is diagnosed, it should be treated immediately as this disease has the possibilities of serious damage or death. The treatment help you to lower the body temperature means within acceptable range. Apart from that, this serious medical condition should be treated by doctor only. Therefore, if you are suffering from heat stroke take consultation from doctor only, as the doctor is the only person who can administer first and then help you out to lower the body temperature. In addition, if the person faces normal symptoms, then it can be treated at home itself. If the symptoms become worse then give most preference to doctor consultation only instead of using home remedies. However, the treatment mentioned below can help one in order to get rid of this extreme chronic disease.

Needs comfortable environment:-

Person affected with heat stroke should stay away from excess heat of the sun and shift to the cool, indoor area. Patient should avoid stress and simply allow them to lie down on a comfortable bed. Told him to remove his clothes otherwise give suggestion that, not to wear tight clothes. In short, try as much as possible to keep him comfortable.

Try maximum to lower the body temperature:-

Generally the patient’s body temperature can be lower at home as well. But, if there is excessive body temperature then strictly avoid home remedies and take doctor’s consultation before the diseases becomes a serious. Body temperature can be reduced at home simply with the help of bathing patient with cold water and if the patient is feeling unconscious then water can be put on his face and body or can blow fan over his face. Besides that, in case of severe heat stroke doctor may use the evaporation technique with the aim to restore the body’s normal temperature. The evaporation technique is considered to be most effective technique as it reduces the patient’s body temperature effectively. In this medical form of treatment, ice packs are placed all over the patient’s body, particularly in the armpits and the groin of the patient. In addition, water is utilized to keep the body wet and fans are blowing all over it.

Needs enough natural fluids:-

To get rid of this severe condition, patient needs to take enough natural fluids to avoid dehydration, to restore lost nutrients. But keep one fact in mind that, drink natural fluids such as fruits and vegetable juice only and strictly avoid intake of coffee, tea and soft drinks. Since coffee contains an excellent source of caffeine, which can worsen the situation. In severe cases, doctors give preference to intravenous therapy and IV therapy with the objective to provide enough fluids to the patient. Intravenous therapy is believed to be most prominent since it provides the body enough fluids directly through patient’s vein as a result helps to overcome dehydration effectively.

Care to be taken after treatment:-

Most often many patients after getting recover from this chronic disease neglects towards health. After recovery, patient should strictly avoid going into the sun for few days along with should stay away from all kinds of activities that contributes to physical stress. Patient should take a balanced diet and drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. The patient can restore the lost nutrients by following this regimen only. Hence, to abolish this serious medical condition patient should increase the intake of natural fluids, vegetable and fruit only and he should not ignore towards his health after getting recovered from this disease as well.

 The severe heat stroke should be administered as early as possible and in case of severe condition, hospitalization is must. In addition, patient can overcome this life threatening diseases by simply increasing intake of natural fluids and by avoiding over exposure to excess heat, by wearing non constricting clothing, using broad spectrum sunscreen. Patient can definitely minimize the risk of heat stroke by taking all such precautions.

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