Every woman makes all possible effort to get supple pink lips. Soft pink lips add more beauty to your looks as well as make your smile more appealing. Chapped or dry lips look extremely unappealing and painful. Many people neglect them by thinking that they will cure on their own. But, it does not happen and the situation becomes worst. Sometimes dry lips also become black if proper care is not taken. There are endless reasons behind dark lips, which are predominant in population across the globe, most of them being negligence.

Too much intake of coffee or tea, sun exposure and carelessness contributes to pigmentation. Unhealthy habit of smoking is also one leading reason behind this condition. Changes in weather are also one common environmental cause responsible for dry lips. No doubt, there are number of beauty products are available to defeat this problem. But, sometimes they make worsen the condition due to excess presence of chemical in it. Hence making use of homemade remedies is always best solution to beat this problem forever.

  • Lemon juice:-

For removing tan from lips take lemon juice and honey in equal quantity. This mixture functions on lips to flake the tan with help of citrus extracts and offers nourishment to honey and gives pink color to lips. Cover your lips with this mixture and leave around 30 minutes. You can follow this remedy as many times as you possible to get rid of tan and pigmentation.

  • Use glycerin:-

Do not forget to apply glycerin every night before going to bed. The glycerin has the ability to hold moisture, hence helps a lot to get rid of dark lips naturally.

  • Drink ample of water:-

Drinking plenty of water on a daily basis is essential to keep chances of dark lips at bay. Since dehydration is one of major reason behind dark lips. Sufficient water amount in the body not only not only helps to overcome dark lips but also keeps overall skin glowing, soft and radiant.

  • Beetroot:-

Cut the beetroot into small piece and then put them in refrigerator. Try maximum to massage your lips with piece of beetroot. The best trick is whenever you have free time or while watching television keep beetroot slice with you. This simplest home remedy will certainly aid you to eliminate tan and get pink lips sooner.

  • Almond oil:-

Make use of almond oil for your lips every night before going to bed as this assists to lighten lips. In short, reduces discoloration.

  • Cucumber juice:-

Applying cucumber juice on a daily basis may also assist you to lighten dark lips as early as possible. This remedy is said to be one of potent remedy for people with dark lips.

  • Other remedies:-
  • Consume fresh green veggies as much as possible, particularly the leafy ones as they assist the skin to become glowing and confer it a healthy and glossy look.
  • Applying aloe vera gels on a daily basis also help significantly to stay away from this problem.
  • If one wants to make use of lipsticks and balms, then give preference to herbal and glossy ones which provide protection to the lips from the environmental changes and avert them from getting cracked or roughened.
  • Stop smoking and obviate intake of regular drugs.
  • Try maximum to utilize buttermilk or milk creams before bedtime and if condition is extremely worst, then make use of antibiotics with doctor’s approval.
  • Low quality and allergic lip products are also responsible for dark lips to a great extent. As a result keep distance from using numerous wholesale lip products and utilizing local brands. Instead of that make maximum use of fresh pureed fruits as lip masks works wonderfully in eradicating sun tan and pigmentation. Including fruits in your daily lip care regime is one of the great solutions to avoid risk of dark lips forever.


  • There are some food items which prove beneficial for the body but considered harmful for lips. This gives an open invitation to issue of dehydration of mouth as well. The list of such foodstuff consists of citrus, figs and juices. These foods enhance risk of toxic reaction with sunlight and induce an allergic reaction on the lips. In addition, it is said that cobalt derived from vitamin A and vitamin B12 causes adverse effects on lips as well as buccal cavity. Apart from these, flavoring agents such as red eye in candies, mouth washes, gums and toothpastes also give rise to issue of dry skin and tissues on the lips. These are some severe causes and contribute to bleeding of the chapped lips contributing to irritation and various infections.
  • The habit of smoking and regular use of medications not just aggravates one’s health internally but they also contribute to dehydration in lips. They destruct the natural oils which avoid dehydration and increased the risk of roughened lips. Overuse of drugs and acne creams also frequently responsible for dark, chapped lips. They worsen the condition and contribute to bleeding and infection. Fungal infection takes place on lips and around the mouth areas because of unhygienic condition is also one of the major causes. In simple words, one’s lifestyle and habits also plays a significant role in achieving pink lips.

Many of us use maximum commercial produce inadvertently to enhance beauty of lips. The overuse of chemicals present in those beauty products affects lip very badly. Lipsticks include propyl gallate in rich concentration which functions like a serious obstruction to the natural oils in the lips. Women who make use of lipsticks regularly for the whole day should take extra care in applying them.

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