Intestinal worms are parasites, yield in the gastrointestinal tract which primarily takes place on the intestinal wall, and as a result affect people and other organism. There are different types of parasites which enter in the human body through transmitting agents such as sexual contact or mosquito, through contaminated food and water, nose, skin and so on. There are various types of hazardous intestinal worms that affect people such as roundworms and whipworms which spread through food and water, tapeworm spreads by eating raw or undercooked meats, pinworms spreads from person to person. These four are considered to be most harmful forms of intestinal worms. Studies have found that those people living in tropical and sub-tropical regions are mostly suffer from this medical condition. The possibilities of intestinal worms are increasing day by day not only among adults but also among children’s.


Symptoms vary according to the types of intestinal worms. But, the most common symptoms are mentioned below:
• Dysentery
• Diarrhea
• Constant feelings of hunger
• Itching around the rectum
• Lack of sleep
• Anemia
• Weight loss
• Weakness
• Fever
• Nausea
• Pain in the legs
• Nutritional disorders
• Frequent headache
• Gassiness
• Stomach pain

• Through the consumption of raw or poorly cooked meat
• Intake of contaminated water
• Poor hygiene
• Poor immune system
• People with cracked heals
• Consumption of contaminated food
• Utilizing human excretions as human fertilizer
• Poor sanitation


1) Carrots:-
Daily Consumption of at least 2 carrots on an empty stomach is essential in order to overcome intestinal worms. It also helps in preventing parasite attack in future. Carrots play a key role in keeping your eyes healthy and clear. In short, it improves your vision.

2) Spearmint and lemon:-
Take 1 cup of spearmint juice by adding some black salt and lemon juice. Drink this mixture daily to eradicate all kinds of parasitic infections from your stomach. Parasites can develop malnutrition and numerous other problems in your body. Hence, it is vital to eradicate them from your system.

3) Coconut:-
Coconut is believed to be one of the effective remedy for booting out all types of intestinal worms. In fact, it acts like a strong anti-parasitic agent to abolish intestinal worms. Hence, take a tbsp of ground coconut along with 30 ml of castor oil daily after two and half hours. Follow this remedy until the infestation vanishes. Take the castor oil after consulting to doctor only as it is not recommended for kids below five years of age and people with gastrointestinal disease.

4) Garlic:-
Garlic is well known to have antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties. Hence, this popular anti-parasitic foods assist you tackle any form of intestinal worms. Daily consumption of 3 cloves of raw garlic is the easiest ways to get relief from all types of intestinal worms. Since, raw garlic contains an abundant source of amino acids and is anti-parasitic in nature. Besides that, simply boil two crushed garlic cloves in one-half cup of milk and drink this mixture daily on an empty stomach until 1 week to get the desire results.

5) Pumpkin seeds:-
The cucurbitacin compound found in pumpkin seeds are known to have anti-parasitic properties which effectively paralyze the parasites. Mix 2 tbsp of peeled and crush pumpkin seeds in 3 cups of boiled water, then steep for around 20-30 minutes after that drink the mixture. In addition, you can also take 1 tbsp of roasted and crushed pumpkin seeds along with equal amount of honey on an empty stomach daily for a week to deal with intestinal worms. You can incorporate laxative foods such as kiwi or banana in your breakfast.

6) Unripe papaya and papaya seeds:-
Unripe papaya contains an excellent source of papain enzyme which is known to have anthelmintic properties and it effectively demolish intestinal worms. Mix 1 tbsp of raw papaya juice and 1 tbsp of honey in 3-4 tbsp of hot water. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach. After taking this mixture wait for 2 hours and after that take a glass of warm milk along with 2 tbsp of castor oil mixed in it. Follow this remedy for at least 2-3 days. Apart from that crush the black seeds of papaya and consume them with papaya as it is extremely beneficial in cleaning the stomach and keeping them clear of parasitic worms.

7) Pomegranate:-
The root, bark, stems as well as leaves of the pomegranate tree include anthelmintic properties. As a result, it is well known as an effective remedy to treat the intestinal worms. Simply include raw pomegranate or in juice form in order to prevent parasitic attacks since it keeps your stomach clean and healthy. In addition, mixture of pomegranate bark along with water should be given at least thrice in a day to adults as well as children suffering from worm infestations. It is believed that the alkaloid punicine found in bark of pomegranate trees is highly toxic in accordance with intestinal worms and especially tapeworms.

8) Carom seeds and jaggery:-
Take 10 gm of jaggery on an empty stomach. After 15 minutes, consume half tablespoon of crushed carom seeds with 1 glass of water. By following this natural remedy you may notice the best and effective results. In fact, it is the simplest way to get rid of intestinal worms.

9) Bitter gourd juice:-
Consume a tablespoon of bitter gourd juice with a glass of buttermilk once in day for at least 3 days without any gap. This remedy is extreme beneficial to overcome intestinal worms.

10) Cloves:-
Cloves are known to have anti-septic, bactericidal and anti-parasitic properties that destroy the parasitic eggs and kills intestinal worms within the body itself. In addition, cloves play a crucial role in preventing the future episodes of infestation. Hence take one tbsp of powdered clove in a cup of boil water and drink that mixture thrice in day for a week to treat the intestinal worms.

In order to get rid of intestinal worms, incorporate lots of whole grains and foods in their natural form. One fact also consider that proper hygiene should be maintained while cleaning and preparation of foods. Apart from that, avoid or reduce intake of simple carbohydrates, processed and packaged foods. Having probiotics, diet rich in zinc and vitamin C supplements is one of the great options to support the body in emission of parasites.

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