Top personal hygiene care tips for all

Personal hygiene can be referred as a practice that aims at an individual’s grooming and cleanliness habits. It is a habit that should be inherent among humans to practice personal hygiene. The point is to what extent and this decides the level of hygiene within you. Personal hygiene is important for the reason of good health, proper body care and style. Lacking a healthy level of neatness, the body reacts through various diseases of skin. One risks his/her acceptance in the society if the appearance is untidy and the body is unclean and unhygienic.

Personal hygiene should be a significant consideration among all the individuals. It includes a studied behavior which includes bathing every day, wearing clean cloths, combing, taking proper oral care, etc. Most of the individuals consider these activities as integral part of their daily routines yet, some individual do not. However there may be some physical, emotional or person complications of those individual who do not practice these behaviors regularly.

Here are some easy and habitual routines, which when integrated will help you to develop better state of one’s personal hygiene.

Importance of following personal hygiene

A good personal hygiene helps you to enhance our appearance; its significance is directly related to preventing infections, diseases and keeps us free from unpleasant odors.

Practicing proper hygiene is essential for your mental health and moreover it helps you feel better about yourself. Most people do not think twice about brushing teeth, visiting their doctor or dentist for routine check-ups, handling unsanitary items, frequently washing hands, bathing, etc.

One must practice these healthy habits for themselves as well as for their loved ones to help them self and their loved ones take proper care of their health and safety.

Various ill-effects of improper hygiene care

On the other hand, skipping daily hygiene practices you have a greater risk of being affected with different ailments and infectious diseases.

Poor personal hygiene is a way of broadcasting to people how you feel; it shows low self-worth, lack of self-confidence, a state of depression, and other mood ailments.

Many a times people who do not recognize the significance of personal hygiene and land up taking least amount of care of their hygiene and grooming and avoid bathing regularly have difficulty in their intimate relationships and maintaining normal friendship with colleagues and other individuals.

It is often seen that people with poor hygiene find it difficult to find and keep their partners intimate in a relationship as it requires close physical contact.

People who come in close contact with a person who has a poor sanitation issues and body odor find it displeasing, as well.

Here are some suggestions to consider for good hygiene;

It is essential to take bath regular remember our body needs to be cleaned everyday as there are lots of dirt and germ particles that settle down on our skin, which needs to be cleaned regularly.

Brush your teeth regularly if possible develop a habit of cleaning your teeth twice a day and preferably once in the morning after you wake up and one before sleeping and if possible floss every time after your meal. Brushing your teeth will help you remove bacteria present in your mouth which may lead to cause various gum diseases and tooth decay. There are various bacteria that may grow in your mouth and cause gum diseases and tooth decay. Bacteria grown in your mouth may cause gum diseases, travel to your heart and cause serious valve problems.

Washing your hands regularly will help you to avoid eye, skin, and respiratory infections from bacteria and virus. By doing so you will be able to avoid spread various bacteria and viruses. Develop a habit of washing hands after going to the bathroom, sneezing, coughing, handling garbage, before preparing food and before and after eating food.

Stay dry and clean and remember to take bath daily.

Store your foods properly wash vegetables and fruits before using or eating. Always cover your food before storing it in the fridge at 5°C/41°F to prevent the food from spoiling and development of new food based bacteria’s.

Make use of separate knife to cut vegetables and meats and separate cutting/chopping board. Proper cook of the meat is also important thus will help you to destroy all the harmful bacteria from the meat.

Maintain high cleanliness at work; ensure that your office administration staff is routinely cleaning your desks, doors, door handle, computer, key board, doorknobs, floor, toilets, etc. to prevent yourself from bacteria and other germs.

Develop a habit of cleaning your hand every now and then by using hand sanitizers. However, please note that you are using a good branded hand sanitizer they are alcohol based a liable of making your skin dry. A good sanitizer will give good fragrance to your hands as well as has a good amount of moisturizer in it.

In case if you have applied makeup ensure that you are removing it before going to bed never go to bed with make up as it may dull your skin and may take away the charm from your face. Trim your nails regularly and clean them as they are capable of carrying various germs in them. The best time to cut your nails is after bathing as they are softer then and also apply moisturizer to your cuticles after trimming your nails.

Understand no one like to be around unhygienic or grimy people. Hence it is important to follow some extra personal hygiene care to avoid begin affects with various germs and bacteria.

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