Constant high blood pressure is known to have hazardous effects on your health in the long period. Person suffering from high blood pressure is prone to many health disorders like kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, peripheral arterial disease, eye problems and many more. As a result, it is essential to acquire control over blood pressure as early as possible. Inactive lifestyle, improper diet, older age, too much intake of salt, obesity, addiction of smoking, alcohol, excessive stress are some of possible risk factors responsible for causing this severe medical condition. Besides these, family history and heredity plays a dominant role in hypertension. Obtain control over hypertension is possible by following healthy lifestyle.

• Loose extra pounds:-
Risk of blood pressure raises once your body weight increases. Studies indicate that, just by losing 10 pounds one can easily reduce blood pressure. In short, once you keep weight in check, then naturally your risk of blood pressure also gets lowered. Besides loosing excess weight one also need to keep focus on waistline. Excess weight around your waistline is not a good sign as it indicates that you are at a high risk of high blood pressure. Therefore loose excessive weight and get rid of obesity and its related severe health hazards.

• Include maximum potassium rich foods in diet:-
Increasing potassium rich fruits and vegetables is one good option for people irritated with this chronic illness. Potassium rich diet helps substantially to cope with hypertension. Studies indicate that 2000-4000mg is sufficient for a day. Tomatoes, peas, kidney beans, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, prunes, raisins, oranges juice, banana and sweat potatoes are such foods which holds this essential mineral in large quantity. Include these foods in your daily regimen and beat hypertension effectively.

• Reduce your sodium intake:-
Cutting down intake of sodium is a key to overcome high blood pressure. Consuming food with excess salt enhances risk of hypertension. People with high blood pressure should exclude foods like fast food, tinned, canned and other processed food completely as they are packed with excess amount of salt and preservatives. Obviate these foods strictly and see the label before buying any processed food. Simply focus on less salty homemade food and keep hypertension at bay.

• Eat more of dark chocolate:-
Delicious dark chocolate works wonderfully in lowering high blood pressure. Even a small piece of dark chocolate is enough to lower blood pressure significantly. Dark chocolate is considered beneficial in treating hypertension because it is known to have relaxing and calming effect. Apart from that, it helps greatly in elaborating the blood vessels and lowers risk of blood pressure. But, before eating chocolate always keep in mind that that chocolate you are eating should not be highly packed with sugar and less cocoa ingredient.

• Put limit on caffeine:-
Drinking caffeinated beverages takes you at a high risk of hypertension. These beverages are responsible for sudden spike in blood pressure. This is because to get rid of hypertension you need to put limit on your caffeine intake. Rather than consuming caffeinated beverages give preference to consuming herbal tea and other healthy drinks.

• Avoid stress:-
Stress and anxiety are major obstacles behind occurrence of hypertension. Give some time to think what makes you to feel stressed like heavy workload, severe illness, family responsibilities, and disputes with partner, colleague, friend and many more. Once you come to know the root cause of you stressful situation, you can definitely overcome it successfully. In addition, in order to overcome stressful condition there are various effective options are available. You need to indulge in yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises to ward off excessive stress. By adopting relaxation technique definitely you may notice improvement. If this technique does not work and not seem any improvement seek for medical help quickly before occurring any severe problem.

• Increase consumption of soy:-
Instead of eating refined carbs increase consumption of soy or milk protein like low fat dairy. These foods play an important role in bringing down systolic blood pressure, if you are affected with hypertension or prehypertension.

• Quit smoking and avoid tobacco, alcohol:-
As like caffeine, cigarette and tobacco both is culprit of high blood pressure. The harmful ingredient called nicotine present in it causes high blood pressure. According to studies, nicotine raises risk of blood pressure by 10 mm Hg or more after you smoke. Considering to health even secondhand smoke is also quiet dangerous. Inhaling smoke from others also has chances of developing hypertension and other heart related diseases. In short, complete abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and smoking is necessary to stay away from hypertension and other severe health disorders as well.

• Focus on deep breathing:-
Though breathing is an inevitable action most of us ignore breathing pattern. Improper and insufficient breathing usually result in high blood pressure. Therefore, health experts often recommend patient going through hypertension to practice slow and deep breathing. Deep breathing plays a crucial role in carrying more oxygen in blood and helps to stave of hypertension.

• Exercise:-
Several studies have shown that lack of physical activity enhances your risk of high blood pressure by around 30 percent. Daily exercise is must in order to lead a healthy life and to stay away from various health disorders. Daily exercise helps significantly to keep blood pressure in check, improves heart health and keeps you fit. Performing aerobic exercises is good option for People suffering from high blood pressure. Health expert says that daily 30 minutes of aerobic exercises may help people to overcome this chronic medical condition.

Besides above mentioned remedies, you need to take adequate sleep, include maximum fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grains and fiber rich foods to keep this serious health disorder at bay. In addition, regularly monitor high blood pressure, limit on alcohol consumption and give preference to foods containing low-fat and cholesterol. These are some effective ways recommended by health experts to beat hypertension naturally without making use of medication.

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