Bladder infection is also known as acute cystitis or urinary tract infection. This infection occurs when bacteria enter the bladder through the urinary tract. These infections are extremely painful and most common in women comparing with men. Generally it is described as the infection of the bladder and it requires timely medical attention. If this chronic condition is left untreated it can severely damage to your kidney. In most of the cases doctors recommend antibiotics in order to fight against the infection. Bladder infection is primary cause of Escherichia coil (E.coil) and urinary tract infection. These infection takes place anywhere in the urinary tract such as bladder, kidneys, ureters or the urethra. Though bladder infections are rarely occurred among men but can be major indication of chronic condition, which includes enlarged prostate or tumor in the urinary tract. Bladder infections are not serious if treated in efficient manner and at initial stage. In case of elder people symptoms are not appear or are less specific so it becomes difficult to treat bladder infection in elder people.


Bladder infection can affect both genders, but females are more susceptible to getting them than men. The main cause is women have smaller urethras which makes bladder easier for bacteria to reach. In addition, women’s urethra is also near to the rectum than men’s urethras. In short, for bacteria (in female) it become easier to travel as it requires only shorter distance. Other factor that can enhance the risk of bladder infection among both gender includes  immobility, a urinary catheter, growing age, surgery in the urinary tract, blockage in the bladder or urethra, narrowed urethra, pregnancy, diabetes, bowel incontinence, enlarged prostate, urinary retention, and urinary tract abnormalities due to birth defects or injuries.


People with bladder infection may observe certain symptoms such as cloudy or bloody urine, low fever, foul-smelling urine, Huge pain or burning while urinating, frequent need to urinate even when the bladder is empty, cramping or extreme pressure in lower back or lower abdomen, presence of blood in urine and so on. Hence in order to overcome bladder infection try maximum to stop these symptoms at initial stage only and get treatment as early as possible.


Drink plenty of water:-

Drinking plenty of water is most essential and simplest home remedy that helps to treat bladder infection effectively. Water plays a crucial role in flushing out the toxins from the body and therefore helps to get rid of the infection. One study has disclosed that your bladder will become bacteria-free by drinking minimum 10 glasses of water on daily basis. Drinking enough water is also known to be good habit as it is known to have cleansing effect on your body. One fact also consider that always drink natural fluids only and strictly stay away from fizzy drinks, alcohol and caffeine consumption. Intake of these harmful drinks may severely affect your health.

Make use of bearberries:-

UVA ursi or bearberry is one kind of a shrub which is often utilized to treat bladder infection in some cultures. This shrub eases frequent irritation stimulated by bladder infections. The vital element called arbutin present in bearberries keeps the bacterial infiltration in control. But do not use of bearberries without consulting your physician. Due to inappropriate consumption people may experience severe side effects as well.

Hot compress method:-

This method gives significant relief from the pain that comes along with infection. Therefore taking hot shower or making use of heating pad around the lower back and stomach area is believed as best option. Since it relieves the pain and discomfort associated with bladder infection.

Eat cranberries:-

Research has proven that intake of cranberry juice helps to treat bladder infection effectively. In addition research has also disclosed that daily consumption of cranberry juice can prevent the harmful bacteria from entering the bladder through the urinary tract. But consume this cranberry juice after consulting your physician only.

Drink right herbs tea:-

If you take tea that is caffeine-free may give you relief from bladder infection. Intake of Natural herbs tea like nettle, horsetail, corn silk, dandelion, and cramp bark is considered effective in order to get rid of bladder infection. The tea made from these natural herbs plays a key role in alleviating pain and discomfort in the lower back region, which is a common symptom of bladder infection.

Life style changes:-

Your physician may suggest certain lifestyle changes to get rid of the occurrence of bladder infection.

  • Urinate as soon as when you feel the need
  • Avoid use of douches, powders, feminine and hygiene sprays
  • Take showers rather than bath if possible
  • Try maximum to wear sanitary pads instead of tampons
  • Make use of cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes and change it daily
  • Do not use a diaphragm or spermicide and change to an alternate form of birth control.
  • Make use of nonspemicidal lubricated condoms rather than using unlubricated or spemicidal lubricated condoms
  • Urinate before and  after sexual intercourse
  • Women should consult their physician before using vaginal estrogen creams.


Doctor generally diagnoses a bladder infection after examining the reports of urine test. A urine test is conducted in order to know the presence of red blood cells, nitrites, white blood cells, bacteria and other chemical present in the urine through which bladder infection is identified. After that, doctor analyzes report and takes time to decide about the type of bacteria present in the urine. Once the type of bacteria is identified, testing the bacteria for antibiotic sensitivity is executed in order to determine what antibiotic will work best to treat the infection. If bladders infections are treated with prescribe medicine may help you to kill the bacteria and eases pain and burning. Besides that, home remedies may also help you to alleviate symptoms and to cure the infection at some extent. Prescribe oral antibiotics are utilized to kill the bacteria that contribute to bladder infection. Medicine called phenazopyridine hydrochloride (pyridium) is the best and effective medicine which helps to alleviate the pain and burning linked with bladder infection.

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