A stye is a common eye infection that affects people across the globe. Generally an eye stye is a small bump that forms on the internal or external part of the eyelid. This eye disorder takes place when extra oil, dust or bacteria accumulates on the eyelash follicle or eyelid oil gland. It does not affect vision but results in painful and swollen lumps in the infected area. This eye infection is extremely painful and makes the eyes reddish and watery. There are two types of eye styes which includes hordeolum and chalazion. Bacterial infection in the eyelids is the primary cause of eye stye and this eye disease is usually harmless. It disappears after few days when body combat infection. On the attack of this condition you might experience frequent watering in the affected eye, light sensitivity or you may feel like something stuck in the eye.


Bacterial infection in the sebaceous glands of the eyelid contributes to the formation of stye. A bacterium called staphylococcus is responsible for causing the infection. The styes can be tender, red, painful and swollen in some cases. Whereas, in other cases, only a visible lump can be appear. Sometimes this condition burst on its own and cures within few days. It would be better if you leave the stye alone otherwise the possibilities of spreading infection may increase.


A Visible lump on the eyelid, a red, hot, fine tendor swelling near the part of the eyelid is most commonly observed symptoms of stye. Whereas, a painless, smooth and round bump typically located around the mid-portion of the eyelid are some of the symptoms of chalazion.


Eye stye treatment consists of two types. The first one involves medication while the second one includes home remedies. It is believed that neither of the options in reality treats the infections that lead to stye. In fact, they concentrate on easing the pain and alleviating the discomforts caused by the condition.


There are various over-the-counter drugs available in order to treat this eye infection. Besides that, ointments, medicated pads and solutions are also available which also treat styes condition effectively. Basically all the medicines are prepared from petroleum jelly and other emollients which are extremely beneficial to keep the eye moisturized. In short, they help to alleviate symptoms like pain, burning, stinging and itching etc. but these medicines cannot the treat the infection that contributes to the stye.


As this eye disorder is cure on its own within few days, individual who are worried about the side effects of taking medications can try some home remedies listed below:

  1. Since eye stye is mainly occurs due to bacteria, intake of dandelion tea on daily basis enhances the body’s capacity to combat bacteria.
  2. To get rid of this eye diseases simply soak a cotton pad in warm water and put it over the eyes.
  3. Simply wash the eyes with the help of triphala water. You can make triphala water by adding spoon of triphala powder in a glass of water. Then allow it to mix well and after 12-14 hours strain it and use it for washing your eyes.
  4. Another option is boil 1 tbsp of coriander seeds in a cup of water. Finally wash your eyes with the use of that mixture.
  5. Mash the potato and make its fine paste. After that, apply this paste equally on the affected area.
  6. Another effective remedy is washing your eyes with alum solution to get some relief from the discomfort cause by this eye disorder. In order to make alum solution, mix 3-4 granules of alum in cup of water.
  7. Simply put wet tea bags on the eyes for 10-15 minutes. To get instant relief repeat this remedy several times in a day.
  8.  Take acacia leaves and boil it in two cups of water and then make an intense extract from it, and make sure that you have strain it properly before applying to the eyelids.
  9. Turmeric is said to be most effective home remedy in treatment of eye stye. Thus boil 1 tbsp of turmeric in a cup of water. Allow it to boil until the half of the solution has evaporated. Finally strain this mixture properly till all the turmeric granules remove completely. Use this mixtures considering as eye drops.
  10.  Cut aloe vera leaf at the center and apply extract of aloe vera on the eyes.
  11. To reduce the pain make use of clove soaked in water. This is believed to be another popular remedy to the alleviate pain.
  12.  Guava leaves are most beneficial to reduce the discomfort cause by this disease. As these leaves reduces the redness caused by stye.  For making use of guava leaves put them in a warm and damp cloth and then squeeze it slowly over the eyes. This remedy is considered beneficial when there is extreme pain.
  13. You can also make use of castor oil to your eyes for several times in day. But remember that castor oil should not enter into your eyes.
  14. It is essential to avoid wearing any eye makeup. Since make up can stimulate irritation to the eyes and can also worsen the condition.
  15. Maintain proper hygiene and avoid touching the stye as it may worse the condition and may lead to spreading infection. Wash your hands cleanly before and after touching the stye.  Apart from that wash your eyes regularly and keep them clean in order to avoid getting a stye.
  16. To get rid of this eye infections instantly maintain a high level of hygiene. It means, do not share your makeup, towels with other. In addition, take same precautions while removing or inserting lenses as well.

 This eye disorder is not a chronic or life threatening. It can be definitely cure with the help of above mentioned home remedies and treatment. But if the infections remain even after a few days of using remedies, immediately consult your doctors to get the stye treated.

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