Most of men across the globe are suffering from most unfortunate and painful condition called kidney stone. No doubt, even women also suffer from this chronic medical condition but men’s are at higher risk. This common disorder of urinary tract also referred as nephrolithiasis. Stones are generally forms inside the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stones are nothing but hard, crystalline mineral which deposit in shape of tiny stone like structure. According to studies, around 10 percent of Americans are affected with this extremely painful condition. Generally most of men over 40 go through this chronic problem. Kidneys are in bean-shaped and are placed below the ribs. To eliminate excess water and wastes from blood and producing urine is primary function of this organ. Some of stones are dissolved easily in the urine stream. On the other hand, some stone which are huge in size becomes obstacle to ureter and hence result in severe pain. Stones or crystals take place because of certain chemicals in kidney.


Among several causes urinary tract infection (UTI) is most common. Use of certain medication also leads to renal stone in men. Besides that, certain lifestyle habits like consumption of less water, sedentary lifestyle for long years, intake of excess calcium oxalate present in milk, chocolate, tea and other many more foods lead development of this renal problem. Lastly, some individuals go through this medical condition because of genetic factor as well.

The leading reason behind formation of kidney stone in males is vast muscle mass in men comparing to women. Breakdown of tissues contribute to predisposition of stone development and enlarged metabolic waste. Other major risk factor is complex urinary tract comparing to those in women. The prostate gland present in men rises with age and contributes to a condition called benign prostate hypertrophy. In addition, it also finds hard to empty the bladder. Further obstructed bladder outflow, toxins and chemicals are expelling out of body instead continue building up in bladder, and lead to forming stones and crystals. The structure of penile urethra resulted because of gonorrhea infection, penile trauma; catheterization further reduces bladder outflow and lead to development of crystals.


Extreme pain while urinating, cramps occurring in either one or both sides of back, Immense pain in genitals and abdomen area, blood in urine, nausea, fever, vomiting and chills are some commonly observed symptom associated with kidney stone in men. There are other signs of renal stones as well. Among which, reoccurrence of UTI is common warning sign. Besides that frequent urinate, urine of red, cloudy color along with foul smell are also other possible symptoms.


There are numerous types of kidney stone which include uric acid stones, cystine stones, calcium stones and struvite stones. Among several of these, calcium stone is believed to be most common. Usually these stones take place in form of calcium oxalate. People affected with calcium oxalate are specially advised not to include those foods which hold oxalates. The list of foods includes green leafy vegetable, dairy products, nuts and some of fruits. Besides these, people with calcium oxalates are recommend not to include those foods which hold purines. Since purines are highly found in body and certain foods. When these gets break down, the body builds uric acid. Further this huge level of uric acid raises risk of uric acid kidney stones. As a result, people susceptible to this type of kidney disease are suggested not to include those foods which are rich in purine like fish, meat and poultry.


Treatment varies depending on size and type of kidney stone. Sufficient hydration and regular exercise plays a dominant role in dissolving smaller stones to a great extent. Dehydration occurs due to less fluid consumption enhances risk of kidney stone. Besides that, even strenuous exercise with abundant sweating followed by lack of fluid replacement lead to kidney stone. Hence, give maximum preference to increase your fluid intake and daily exercise to pass of stones naturally. But, treatment is needed in order to treat larger stones which do not pass off naturally. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is one most common treatment opted to get rid of kidney stones effectively. In this type of treatment, kidney stones are place with the help of X-rays or ultrasound and later shock waves is passing on to beat stones into tiny particles. As once they are break down into tiny parts helps to pass of stones greatly and naturally. In some cases, a surgical removal stone method may also be adopted; this method is also called as percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

One best option to cope with renal stone is to adopt a healthy lifestyle which prevents development of kidney stones. Increase maximum intake of water particularly after practicing rigorous exercising. In addition to this, if you are susceptible to calcium oxalate stone, stay away from those foods which holds calcium in rich concentration like chocolate and milk. If you are affected with uric acid stone then do not include those foods which contain protein in abundance like meat. Keep in mind, milk and meat has innumerable nutritional benefits, so do not completely exclude these foods from your daily diet. Complete absence of these foods may also result in some side effects. So, consume these foodstuffs in moderate amount instead of skipping entirely from daily regimen. It would be better if you take advice from your health care provider before making any changes in your diet or exercise regime to overcome kidney stone. Your physician is the only right person to guide you about medication, exercise and diet regime.

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