Useful Tips To Overcome Back Pain In Working People

Not many people know but back pain is the second most common cause of long-term sickness among people all over the world. The most commonly studies causes of back are stress, bad body posture, strain or wear and tear of muscles or ligaments, etc. Well the fact is most of us will have back pain at some point of time in our lives. Although, it isn’t serious in most of the cases it generally lasts for a few days or weeks.

Lack of physical activity and movement as well as bad body posture are associated with your long hours of sitting in front of your working desk lead your back to deal with lots of pain and stress. Despite of all these there are days when you need to protect your back from extreme strain of office work. In this article you will find some helpful exercises and tips that will help you to relax your back while you are at work.

Here are the top tips to overcome back pain for working people:

Be aware of your body posture, especially when you are at work. Leaning forward at an angle towards your desks or sitting bended over for a longer period of time may cause weakening of muscles and lead to severe back pain. Improving your bodily postures can greatly prevent you from such pain. The best posture to sit is to sit with your back as straight as possible and your shoulders back. Make sure that your buttocks are touching the back of your chair and that your weight is evenly distributed on both the hips.

Take regular breaks and try to move and stretch your body in every 40 minutes to one hour. You can easily find lots of simple back stretches that you can easily do at your desk as well as carry on with the task that you are doing without going away from your desk. Apart from this you can also do other simple task like going to get a tea/coffee/water for you, or simply take a walk around the floor.

Take out time to exercise regularly make sure that you are choosing such a workout program that involves all your major muscles groups some of them are aerobics, swimming, cycling, etc. If your work requires maximum hours of sitting all day long then you must try some regular exercises after or before your working hours to keep your joints and muscles healthy. It is widely said that yoga and Pilates exercises are good to help you with back pain but the fact is any form of exercise that you enjoy is going to benefit you.

Have a word with your employer or the HR department about different ways to adapt your working environment to ensure that you comfortable for example, get yourself a new chair or any adaptation that is going to improve your working condition and make you feel comfortable in the office.

Follow the above mentioned important tips as they will help you overcome and avoid back pain to a great extend.

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