There is a particular age where a woman thinks that they need some facial massage, to promote their face look. Every woman opts to maintain attractive and healthy skin, for this they need to follow certain facial cleaning therapy, which eliminates dead skin and dirtiness; keeping the skin shiny and charming. A basic facial therapy includes steam, elimination of white head and black head. Taking facial steam facilitates the elimination of whiteheads and blackheads easily. Further, the massage is done in a circular motion, to exfoliating the skin. Preferring clean up with a facial, helps get a skin with open pores, dead skin elimination, impurities, etc. clean up is mostly suggested to the person, who has rashes and pimples over the face. It is very basic facial therapy, which can practice at home. However, the usage of facial varies according to the skin texture and age of the person. Some of the facial are used for anti-ageing purpose; it includes the process, which mends the aging look of the skin. Here are some of the lists of facial, which a woman can do at home.

• Facial through fruits
Fruit facial is one of the best facial; since, it carries a natural effect to mend skin texture. Most of the fruits hold antioxidants and many other essential properties, which helps promote attractive and flawless skin texture. Following facial with vitamin C rich fruits are more beneficial to treat facial skin disorders. You can try this facial at home by mixing the pulp of some fruits to apply as facial.

• Usual facial
A regular facial includes steaming, cleaning, scrubbing, usage of the mask according to the skin texture and hydrating. This facial is suggested to do twice in a month not every day. It helps to mend dullness, roughness and dryness of the skin. It is preferable for the normal skin not for acne contained skin.

• An antioxidant facial
Antioxidant facial is extremely chemical rich facial; it helps mend the skin damages, done through sun rays and pollution, on a daily basis. It helps toning and cleaning the skin, making the skin flawless by mending skin complexion. This facial holds the mixture of vitamin A, C, E and beta-carotene. It eliminates the dirt beneath the skin pores, making the pores open to take a breath. This facial is especially suggested for ageing skin, so teenagers must avoid using this facial.

• Acne elimination facial
This facial is especially suggested for acne skin holder and is used to get rid of acne. People, with oily skin can also use this facial. The procedure of this facial holds cleaning, steaming, massaging, etc. after this process the mixture of masques are used over the acne, to reduce its growth. This procedure works like oil free and acne free way. Since this procedure includes glycolic and salicylic acid; one must consult the doctor before its usage.

• Facial with gold
This facial includes pure gold contained cream, which goes beneath the skin pores and revitalizes the skin. Gold holds the ability to eliminate the dust and toxin out from the skin and promotes new cell production. This process brings smooth, soft, attractive and healthy skin.

• Facial through electric current
Facial through electric current is used largely now a days. It includes the equipment, which work through electric current to do facial massage. This includes positive and negative current secretion through 2 rod, which improves the function of facial tissues. It promotes healthy and glowing face muscles. One can use this facial therapy, to get chubby and attractive facial muscles. It is also called non-surgical facelift.

• Facial through paraffin
Paraffin facial is largely used by the celebrities; it is actually made for the person who carries dry, loose and dehydrated skin. The procedure includes applying warm wax over the face mask, which slowly gets cool, brings open pores, clean and revitalize skin. After its removal one can feel hydrated and flawless skin. One can also try paraffin therapy over the hands and feet. This therapy is for aging people, teenagers should avoid preferring this.

• Facial with galvanic
Galvanic facial is suggested to the people, who carry rough, dry, and loose skin. It aids get moisture preservation, to hydrate the skin. One can also get tight skin pores with good skin texture. It may also help reduce the swelling of the skin; its limitation is not still face, one can also apply it over all the body. However, before using this facial, one must ask the skin specialist; since, it is restricted to the people suffering from heart and skin disorders.

• Facial with glycolic acid
This facial includes glycolic acid, which we actually get from sugarcane, beetroots, etc. they hold great effect of anti-aging and pimple reduction ability. The acid gradually gets penetrated inside the dead skin and eliminates the dead skin, results flawless skin. This facial cannot perform at home; since it includes chemicals, which requires well trained and specialist person. One should maintain pre facial information; since, it may lead to skin burn or skin damages issue.

Note: – this facial is especially for aged person, an underage or teenagers should avoid using this facial; since, it may damage the skin texture.

• Facial with collagen
Collagen is a natural protein rich facial, which aids keep elastic, tight and glossy skin. However, as the age increases the texture of the skin gets unattractive and formation of wrinkles take place. Collagen facial is used to promote the natural look of the skin. A half an hour massage of collagen brings freshness over the skin. It is suggested above the age of 30, below age person should avoid this.

• Facial through Microdermabrasion
Amongst all, this facial is most suggested facial, which easily revitalize the skin of aging people. It helps eliminate the dead skin and mends dull texture, of the skin. This facial includes vacuum steam cleaner, which cleans the stain of the face and brings attractive skin texture. It is suggested the people above the age of 25.

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