Inflammation of the joints can be regarded as arthritis disease and this arises because of aging, autoimmune, joint degeneration and infections. It is one kind of joint disorder and osteoarthritis, infectious arthritis, septic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis are some common types of arthritis. Main signs of arthritis include redness, firmness and deformity of the affected joints, inadequate movement of the joints, pain and swelling in joints and so on. This disorder not just affects a person physically but psychologically as well.

People suffering from this joint disorder need to rely on others for their day-to-day tasks. Elderly people are mostly vulnerable to this disease, but these days’ young people are also confronting the same situation. Doctors also suggest medication to heal arthritis. In a severe situation, sometimes surgery also suggested such as knee replacement surgery. Sometimes, this treatment may also induce harm to the body as they are linked with some side effects, which makes one fainter for the whole life. Hence, to avert these complications, it is wise to adopt natural treatment and keep the danger at bay. Below listed are some of the natural ways which may prove beneficial in the long run without making a hole to your wallet.

Home remedies to cope with arthritis

  • Diet:-

 People with arthritis disease should adopt a balance and healthy diet as it is a prime necessity. The diet plays a crucial role in managing and controlling the condition. Intake of turmeric, garlic, ginger and apple is considered to be effective as they are well known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Diet must be filled with pumpkin seeds, almonds, linseed, vitamin C, walnut oil, soybean oil, walnuts etc. In addition, fish comprising omega-3 essential fatty acids like mackerel, tuna, salmon and herring should also be incorporated. Even diet containing brown rice, lentils and pulses is also believed to be good for people suffering from arthritis. Food items holding an excellent source of magnesium like bananas, apricots, whole grains and leafy green vegetables should also be consume by a patient on a daily basis. Advantages of cherry juice are endless, like alleviating pain, bringing down the level of uric acid, reviving the muscles and so on. This is because it is said to be indispensable part of the natural treatment. Application of cider vinegar and hemp seed oil is considered to be best as they provide relief by keeping joint well lubricated. For rheumatoid arthritis diet work as fine as medication for the same. For people with psoriatic arthritis, avocado oil, fresh avocado and olive oil are useful. In simple words, daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, herbal tea, broth, soups, raw and steamed food, whole grains, fresh vegetable juices and water provides enough amounts of all necessary nutrients and combats this disease effectively.

  • Mental strength:-

Stress relieving techniques like meditation and yoga plays a leading role in receiving peace of mind. This in turn aids in preventing or combating the disease.

  • Exercise:-

Exercise is an unavoidable part of its natural treatment. Particularly water exercises helps to control the disease to a great extent. Proper guidance for performing various exercises like ankles, elbows, arms, shoulder, neck, hip, knee, feet wrist, elbows, fingers and leg is necessary to avert any future complication. Walking may also prove useful for health. Note that all the mentioned remedies will not work if one is experiencing extreme stressful situation. Along with physical health, mental health is equally necessary, if one desires to get relief from pain and discomfort quickly.

  • Sesame seeds:-

In order to get relief from constant joint pain soak, some black sesame seeds in one-fourth cup of water whole night. Then next morning drink same along with seeds.

  • Massage:-

Massage is necessary as it gives prompt relief from pain. In fact, massage with the help of essential oils like camphor oil, jojoba, olive and cinnamon may prove useful. Physical as well as massage therapy is said to be potent remedy and sure relief for this problem.

  • Other therapies:-

Acupressure and acupuncture therapy with needles or fingers is believed to work miracles for this issue. Aromatherapy plays a significant role in alleviating the pain. Not only music therapy but also hypnosis boosts relaxation of the muscles.

  • Potato juice:-

Without peeling off the skin of potato, put thin slices of potato in cold water whole night. Next morning drink the same water on an empty stomach. This is age-old suggested natural cure for this problem.

  • Copper:-

People with arthritis disease must drink ample of water stored in a copper container as it promotes the muscular strength.

  • Appropriate body weight:-

Healthy body weight is necessary because healthy weight means less strain on the joints. This in turn reduces pain and enhances mobility and energy. Appropriate body weight is possible it if it is accompanied by healthy diet and proper exercise.


  • Caffeine:-

Caffeine containing food items are responsible for loss of essential vitamins and mineral from the body. This is because it must be averted from arthritis diet.

  • Sugar:-

Sugar hinders the assimilation of calcium and other nutrients. Plus, it gives rise to risk of weight gain. Therefore such sugar rich foods and beverages with artificial sweeteners must be obviated by people with arthritis disease.

  • Antacids:-

Antacids have been linked with a danger of digestive disorder in arthritis patients, and thus must be averted.

  • Fried foods and vegetable oil:-

Strictly say no to both fried foods and vegetable oil, if suffering from arthritis disease. Presence of omega 6 in vegetable oil aggravates inflammation and contributes to weight gain.

  • Alcohol:-

People who have arthritis disease must leave the habit of drinking alcohol as it hinder calcium assimilation in the body.

  • Excessive salt:-

Excess intake of salt for people having arthritis disease is not good. Therefore limiting salt consumption is necessity. Plus, food holding extra salt and preservative must also be averted.

Oxalic acid hinders the health of joints and thus one must cut down the intake of foods like plums, chard and cranberries. Even do not eat butter and margarine as it induces inflammation of joints and worsens the condition. In addition, eating of excessively gives rise to weight gain. Instead of dry roasted nuts prefer raw nuts like walnuts, Brazil nuts and almond.

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