Yoga Helps Overcome Diabetes

With the growing popularity of yoga, you will find many people practicing yoga to manage, control, and cure the mother of all the diseases, i.e. Diabetes. Practicing yoga regularly not only lowers the risk of diabetes but it also helps in curing the condition completely. The various asnas involved in yoga for diabetes concentrate on stretching, relaxing and meditation exercises, which are beneficial for diabetes sufferers.

Many people who practice yoga regularly experience improvement in their mental and physical health. Some of the major benefits of yoga include;

  • Help you get better sleep
  • Improve your memory and concentration
  • Enhances the feelings of well-being
  • Reduced stress, anxiety and depression
  • Relief from chronic illnesses
  • Enhances your immunity system
  • Improves, controls and cures Diabetes
  • Improved digestion and blood circulation
  • Improves your bodily posture, strength and flexibility
  • Enhances the functioning and efficiency of neurological, respiratory, and endocrine organs
  • Helps you restore your energy

Practicing yoga helps you in a natural and a healthy way to get rid of diabetes. It will help you improve your energy, manage stress, manage blood sugar level, and strengthen your overall health. The numerous benefits of yoga offer the potential to help you improve your lifestyle and successfully cope with diabetes. While yoga is not an appropriate substitute for proper medications for diabetes, it can be considered as an easy and invigorating method to stimulate your pancreatic function, reduce the level of stress that may be associated with high blood sugar level and assist you lose some weight in order to maintain a proper body weight.

Some of the best yoga asanas for diabetes are;

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) this asana improves the circulation of blood to various parts of your body and also improves the administration of insulin throughout your body.

This asana should be practiced at a slow speed for at least 4 times a day to increase all its benefits.

The Paschimotasana (seated forwards bend pose) is another good posture to control diabetes. This posture of provides stimulation to internal organs such as pancreas, kidney and liver and is therefore beneficial for patience of diabetes. This Asana can be repeated twice or thrice every day.

The Mayurasana (Peacock pose) this asana involves lying on your stomach and lifting the entire body above from the ground with support from your palms only till the body is parallel to the floor.

Other beneficial yoga asanas that you may practice to control for diabetes are:

  • Ardha-matsyendrasana (spinal twist)
  • Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)
  • Bhujangasana (serpent pose)
  • Dhanurasana (bow pose)
  • Halasana (plough pose)


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