Cauliflower is Healthy Veggie with Multiple Benefits

Vegetables are must have in diet. They are good for building health. All vegetables are high in nutrients. It is good to include them in diet and enjoy benefits. These days many health conscious people thrive on veggies only and are healthy and fit. Veggies in cooked and raw both forms are healthy. Raw veggie can be eaten as salads with lunch and dinner.

Whenever think of adding vegetables to your regular diet, keep cauliflower name on the top. It is a healthy veggie that provides multiple benefits to the body. Going through its benefits in detail will surely be a motivation to add this vegetable regularly in diet. Nutritional value of cauliflower is very high. Health benefits of cauliflower are:

1) Antioxidants are substances that promote immense health. They are important to the body in great extent. To have antioxidants rich food items is largely essential. Among many food items that are rich in antioxidants, cauliflower is one of them. This vegetable contains vitamin C and manganese, which are very high in antioxidants. Heart diseases, cancer and problems like strokes can be prevented by antioxidants. Cauliflower is also good for decelerating aging. It attacks free radicals in the body and inhibits them. Free radicals are harmful and bring aging. Cauliflower is also rich in carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, and phytonutrients that include kaempferol, ferulic acid, cinnamic acid and caffeic acid. All these nutrients cut the risk of diseases immensely.

2) Cauliflower is amazing for improving digestion power. It contains lots of fibers, which help in beefing up digestive system. Fiber rich foods cleanse digestive system and remove toxic substances from the body. Glucoraphin is a substance in cauliflower that is extremely good for stomach. This substance prevents health disorders like stomach cancer and ulcers. Cauliflower is healthy and nutritious vegetable.

3) The problem of inflammation can be controlled with eating cauliflower. It contains vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids in very high amounts that decrease inflammation in the body. Inflammation is harmful to the body and lead to health problems like arthritis, chronic pain, and bowel conditions. These problems can be mastered by including this veggie in diet. Other than these two substances, cauliflower also contains glucosinolatesand isothiocyanates. These are also anti inflammatory. Regularly consume cauliflower for best results.

4) Pregnant women are highly encouraged to eat cauliflower. It is very good for their health as well as for their baby. The vegetable contains folate or folacin (B9), which is considered good for healthy pregnancy. The deficiency of folate leads to problems like birth defects and low birth weight.

5) Weight loss aspirers should eat cauliflower. Calorie content is very less in it, hence good for weight loss.

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