Essential health care tips for men

We often find men acting like ostriches when it comes to maintaining better health care. Unlike women, men often find it very boring and unnecessary to make visit to our doctors. It is important for men to take all the symptoms serious and visit the doctor regularly to live a healthful lifestyle. It is scientifically proven that on a average women live seven years longer than men. Therefore it is important for men of age group to become more practical about their health and tart taking better care of their health.

Taking proper care of your body will help you look better, feel better and live longer. It does not really matters whether you have any serious health problem or if you just want to improve your lifestyle. Read on to find tons of the important and useful men’s health tips.

Eat a healthy diet

Eating nutritious food gives you enough energy and may also lower the risk of certain diseases and illnesses. It will be good if you focus your diet on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat diet, fibre-rich food, legumes, etc.

Maintain a healthy body weight.

Being overweight or obese can be the major reason to develop high risk of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart diseases, stroke, etc. Find out your body mass, IBM level to check if you are at any risk. Take up health eating habits, proportionate & balanced diet and keep yourself active all day to maintain proper body weight.

1. Exercise regularly

Performing rigorous physical workout is one of the most important thing that you can do to help yourself lead a better health.

2. Live smoke-free

Smoking is linked with many of the leading causes of death that includes, lung diseases, cancer, heart diseases, stokes, etc. if you are a smoker, then take your first step towards no smoking today itself and lead a healthy disease-free life.

3. Avoid heavy consumption of alcohol

Over consumption of alcohol can lead to many healths related problems such as, high blood pressure, liver damage, various types of cancer, psychological problems, accidents, etc.

4. Take all the medication you need.

Men hate taking medications, it is important for them to understand that there are thousands of health conditions that can be prevented by taking proper medication.

5. Practice stress management

Many a times it can be a challenging task to manage work and family obligations, in such situation it is important for you to protect your mental and physical health.

6. Get enough good-night sleep.

Failing to get enough sleep can lead to mood-swing and greatly affect your health. you can check with your doctor if you have any serious health problem and get yourself an good night 7-8 hours sleep.

7. Know the major risk factor

Learn about your lifestyle and your habit that may lead you to various risk factors and try to reduce or get in control to lead a better lifestyle.

8. Be safe

Being safe means taking up small but important precautionary steps such as wearing helmet, seatbelt, maintain personal hygiene, etc.

9. Visit your physician regularly

Ask your doctor about how often must he make such visits and get screening test for certain diseases and conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, sexual transmitted diseases, high cholesterol, and certain types of cancer.

Below mention are some of the important to-do lists that men must follow to lead a better lifestyle.

1.  Avoid intake of white foods from your diet.

2.  Keep yourself away from risky trans fats.

3.  Intake all your daily vitamin-mineral.

4.  Include weight training to your daily exercising routine.

5.  Maintain proper body-weight.

6.  Drink alcohol moderately.

7.  Protect your prostate gland.

8.  Maintain proper care to lessen your risk of prostate cancer.

9.  Sustain vigorous sexual function.

10. Uphold your close relationships and cherish them for life.


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